Clan wars 3
I want clan wars 3 that the match makiing will be between the same king tower also add an axtra rewards in clan wars like lucky drops bost potion and evolution wild shard , and make the current clan wars chese including champion also get away from the fight between 4 clans and make some events in clan wars in a good way, make the dimond pass give the players in the clan 3000 gold , also in the regular game in clan wars will have a stander king tower like : mega draft, triple draft and more with some 1 v 1 and 2 v 2 games.
lavel 15
Now change the converstion from commen, rare and epic to what it was
also change the number of the elite wild cards to 300000 with remove of the elite wild cards ofter
and put tham in other ofters . also in the 4 star lucky drop to 15000 elite wild cards
event tab
add more rewards to claim in the season shop ant make the cap of 2000 season token per day.
one of the rewards of the challenge in every season .
bring the 2 v 2 league back in this season