New clash royale update request:
Card Skills:
Add card skills that we can unlock with cosmetics. Each card has 3 different skills, take the example of musketeer: skill number 1: damage +5℅, skill number 2: hp +5℅ and skill number 3 will be a passive skill: When the musketeer hits the third time, it randomly knockbacks the enemy 1-2 tiles away.
Now lets take the example of pekka: 1st skill: hp +5℅, skill 2: walk speed +5℅ and skill number 3: After 5 seconds, pekka unleashes an aura attack in 3x3 tile radius which deals damage to nearby troops.
How to get the skills:
We can use stuff like: 30000 gold for the first skill, 100 gems for the second skill and 400 gems for the third skill.
They can add a new gamemode in which we can earn skill points. Each match we win, we get 20-50 skill points. Each time after 5 wins, we get a bonus of 50 skill points. We need 300 skill points for the first skill, 350 for the second skill and 1000 skill points for the third skill of each card. We can play unlimited matches, and at the end of each season we get rewards based on the most wins we made and the most skill points we collected. TOP 1: 1000 skill points, TOP 2: 800 skill points, TOP 3: 600 skill points, TOP 4: 400 skill points and TOP 5: 200 skill points. Then TOP 6-10 PEOPLE GET: 100 skill points, TOP 50 GET: 50 skill points. Same for both leaderboards of most skill points collected and most matches won.
This would make the game more fun and change most interactions.