King Level 14 - Clash Royale 2021 Autumn Game Update

Hi @Tyler24 I’ve found the issue regarding the display of your “before” value.

Your level after the update is as before, which is:

After: Level 13: 44148 / 80000

Not all Level 13 players automatically go to Level 14 when the update drops. The Level conversion is not a simple math of +1, but you’re half-way there!

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Oh Okay sorry for the misunderstanding thanks for explaining its not plus 1 appreciate it

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Upgrade cost should vary by card rarity. Upgrading a legendary should cost more than a common card

This is a genuine request and not just me asking out of anger sarcasm, but can you guys add a calculator for how much value players lose from slash royale and the level 14 addition, it would help to know if I should continue playing.

Are the wildcards amount you can carry per level changing, and if so will I keep the excess wildcards I currently have?

Just upgraded 1/3 of my cards to max level after like 5 years. You want me to do that again? BS “update”. Literally just a money grab. The reason you upgrade cards to max is so that you play on an even playing field.

Hello, I’d like to ask for XP: how many XP will be required for levels 11, 12 etc.
Thanks for any replies and have a great day. :}

Detailed required XP for levels will be revealed later.

So no im pre sure because you only get them at max level so when the update drops level 13s dont get star points they get xp because level 14 will be max level

This is just ridiculous! The worst update in history.
First of all I play this game for free and I did not spend even a penny for this game! I am so glad that I didn’t!
The only reason I play this game is that I want all cards on Max. I already have 60+ cards on max, but it took me 4-5 years! Now I have to spend 6.000.000+ Gold to max them out again?! Ridiculous! This is not acceptable and I feel so sorry for those who spent a lot of real MONEY for this game! And now they wasted all their money for basically nothing! But Supercell made a new teaser to make the new Update look epic… I don’t know what supercell is doing in the business meeting but this is just UNFAIR! DISRESPECTFUL! and definitely NOT EPIC! NOTEVEN CLOSE TO GOOD! At least they let us keep maxed cards on max! Good work SC!

The problem I have is I have been maxed for years. I have 5million in gold so all the gold I win I lose because you cannot go over 5 mil. Same with the magic card (maxed), they just turn into cards that I cannot use and lose. Additionally as the leader of my clan I just give all my tokens away to needy players to help them level up so I take whatever in the trade. I have been making recommendations about donating gold as a way to help others out. This update is really putting maxed players in a bad spot. This is supposed to be a quality of life update for the game. The execution is awful. I have lost so much in the years due to my maxed level this hardly seems fair.

Can you post the Champions’ stats by level? I want to start doing some math… im nerd much XD

Will players be accommodated Star Points for the cards they have already upgraded since King Level 1? Also, will we be refunded the difference of the reduction for the Star Levels upgrades we have already done? Same for gold, will I get 45000 gold per max Legendary?

In time, yes — but I’m really busy with other things right now. If I were just writing guides then sure, but since the site will need to support all the upcoming logic changes, I will probably be busy even after the update is live.

Once everyone gets their hand onto the game, I think that the new stats will still be interesting and so I can make those afterwards.

As mentioned in the blog post, you won’t get any refunds for the Star Points differences.