This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
I really like that they went and made the nerfs/buff small. I rather they do small changes than big changes that make the card useless or overpowered. One bat is a good start for the night witch. Just a 0.1 sec hit speed nerf is good for the phoenix. And the smaller health nerf for the mighty miner will be noticeable by lots of players but won’t kill him.
These balance changes are the best I’ve seen in a WHILE! There are many small nerfs and buffs, making the meta change, but not kill or break any of the cards here. Phoenix might fall a bit, but it will still be a very strong and viable support cards in many decks.
Great changes overall but I’m really annoyed with the Phoenix nerf. It’s been nerfed in every balance change since release. It took me so long to max it out, so I don’t want that to be in vain. I really hope supercell starts leaving this card alone.
Really glad they didn’t nerf the poison…
Good changes overall
buff rocket
Phoenix nerf is not necessary and I hope Supercell will finally leave this card be. I know a lot of people trash on the phoenix for no real reason other than its usage rate, and that is not credible. It is decently balanced in my opinion as it can be easily countered for a positive elixir trade. Plus, you should’ve left the night witch buff as is, as one bat might as well be no bats at all. There was a time when she had two bats and was not overpowered it has been proven. I think the balance team was a little too lenient on these balance changes, for some things they didn’t need to change at all.