Esports info changes

Hey, good thing is I got to add my another accounts but in the form I submitted ,I put the the 3rd account that’s showing last in the screenshot in my 2nd account place and put my 2nd account in 3rd account place in the form.So I want to exchange places of 2nd and 3rd accounts.also I want the name below Esports information part “Epic Gamer | Labib”(I also put that in the form) .will appreciate the assistance,Thank you!

Ok, I’ll reorder them.

That name is invalid, not possible to change it

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How about " 神話Grim☠️Reaper | Labib " ? If still not possible What I already have will work. Appreciate the help , thanks!

I still didn’t get the reorder profile and the name change,will appreciate the assistance,thank you!