Delete my twitter and Main Team in my profile esports

Hi I forgot my discord account that my previous Api account was linked to, so I had to get another one.
I would like to delete the twitter from my profile, since I will delete this social network, And I have a doubt if I eliminate my Main Team my team achievements would be eliminated, since I will look for equipment and I am afraid of losing my achievements.

Nav 愛零

Thanks, Attached proofs of my accounts.

Accounts aren’t linked to Discord.
Twitter cannot be removed, we consider it basic information.
Main team is separate from achievements.

You can add my second account in my royaleapi perfil my main account is #P8C88LJG0 and I need to add my secondary account this is #2JQPGUPCC @alpe123 my main twitter is @Malopezgalvez


Vale, esta es la segunda vez que intentas añadir una cuenta con logros existentes a tu perfil. Necesitaremos más detalles que expliquen por qué quieres hacer estos cambios.

También necesitaré que me envies por mensaje privado la ID de esta cuenta, la puedes encontrar en la pestaña de ajustes.

@alpe123 Te mande un email con toda la información y la explicación a y a twitter, ya que por acá no encontre como hablarte de manera privada.

Si me comentas como podria enviarte toda la información por acá de manera privada tambien la envio

Hello, I was investigating the way to send a private message to an administrator (Alpe123), but I couldn’t do it, could you help me with a guide or, failing that, send me a private message to continue with the conversation?


@alpe123 me podrías apoyar para abrir un chat privado?