Deck Search Helper feedback

This feature is great, and would be even more helpful if our deck lists included decks used in duels and challenges. The deck list seems to only include decks used on ladder and decks used in 1v1 war battles. Duel war battle decks don’t seem to be there. Neither are decks used in the current challenge called CRL World Finals Marathon.

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When you search against All Battles, you are searching against all 1v1 battles. So the Deck Search Helper in fact does already include:

  • Ladder
  • Grand Challenge
  • Classic Challenge
  • CRL World Finals Marathon
  • War 1v1 Battle

I agree that it would be nice to include Duel war battles also. Unfortunately, the data from Supercell for duels currently does not split into 3 different matches. With the current data format, we are unable to determine if a deck has won or not. As such, we made a conscious decision to not include them in our results.

To be clear, we can determine how popular a deck is used in duels, but we won’t be able to tell which side has won. We are working with Supercell to resolve this issue — however, given how full their plate is, we don’t expect to see this being available very soon.

Re: CRL World Finals Marathon decks

You can currently search against the marathon meta using the “All Challenges” selection. Although we can enable a custom filter for this specific challenge, we don’t have a good time to restart the server to enable this filter until CRL Worlds is over — and by the time it is over, there will be only less than a day left to use this filter (which cannot be enabled in the without rebooting the entire server cluster because of how the data is).

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Totally understand about the duel battles.

Not sure what I’m doing wrong, if I go to my profile and select battles tab I see all my battles, including the special challenge, but if I select the decks tab I only see stats for decks used on ladder and in war 1v1.

Can you provide the URL to your profile?

If you are talking about player decks, you are right, it doesn’t currently include special challenge decks. This is mostly because special challenges are usually not regular battles.

I will make a note and add an implementation that breaks down decks by battle types in the future so I can include them without confusing others who mostly visit this page to look for decks about regular battles only. Normally, special challenges are not regular decks so we make a conscious decision to not include all battles by default.

I now understand what you meant by your original question: you are not talking about the deck search helper but the decks you’ve used in the marathon challenge not showing up under your player deck section. And so sure I can enable it. But with season ending now it’s really not a good time to redeploy.