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Not Barry
Valkyrie was kind op, she took sown most troops even the really strong ones because of her damage if anything they should have taken the damage down not hp.
I suggest that you make a rage spirit because you have fire, ice, electro, and heal spirits so why not a rage spirit? Idea: 1 elixir, epic, movement speed is fast, it does the same damage as a heal spirit, and when it jumps it has same splash as heal spirit and leaves a rage where it jumped so it could combo well with other cards
Rage spirit will be too op. With ebarbs amd egolem
But it’s a troop so opponent can use log or something to take care of it
Why nerf ram rider?
IMO her 85% slow was already kind of underwhelming, especially against her rival - the hog rider. I think her supreme prowess in defense is necessary given how easy she can be countered offensively, and the 85% (formerly 100%) snare is the key. What supercell’s trying to do is absolutely butcher a card’s identity.
Thinking about this, it seems as if supercell won’t let any troop rival the hog, which deserves similar treatment if what the ram rider is can be considered “overpowered”.
Oh, did I mention the ram rider requires a lot more skill to master than the hog counterpart? She also fits in wayyyyy harder than hogs, especially how you shouldn’t cycle with her.
They nerfed mega and I think electro giant is a nerf well done supercell
Personally I believe that there are a few cards that need to be nerffed a bit. Like e barbs need a slightly lower damage and/or hit speed. Another card i feel should be nerffed is the royal ghost. His hit speed, health, and movement are fine, but he deals a lot of damage for being able to travel unseen. Last but not least of these is the balloon. It received a rework last balance update and the 33% hit speed increase is just a little too much because when used in lumberloon or jsut with a rage its almost like a machine gun of bombs.
Now as for the changes being made at the moment i feel like the change to tombstone is a little unnecessary seeing as this may take away its ability to counter things like mini pekka, valk, and other mini tanks when placed in the right spot. This would also make it unable to count funrace in a timed fashion. And if this changes the forst spawn of skeletons the card would no longer be able to counter ram rider or hog rider when placed square infront of the tower.
Also the skeleton giant. It states in this post that the buff is due to its lack of use in meta but im seening all over the place recently and its bomb upon death is simply to powerful and i feel like it should be bumped down to around 750ish damage if not lower.
I also forgot to mention that xbow needs a significant health decrease
Can I ask why you think xbow health needs a nerf?
Idk if its really needed but it would at least be so fun if clone also had +1 lvl so you can get lvl 17 cloned troops with mirror
Suppercell should nerf Musketeer insteed of Valkyrie
ice spirit was already strong enof. now it is so op. the valkery nerf is really reasonable.
valkery was too strong. literarily u could just use valkery to defend almost anything.
Valkyrie nerf didn’t work much, mega knight and graveyard nerfs killed both cards. Why are you so cruel, Supercell?
Also sparky should be buffed and have spawn damage
Your def a goblin sparky user