Análisis big data (español)

Buenas, quisiera saber si hay alguna opción de acceder a los datos de las batallas y obtenerlos para poder ser analizados y generar informes de interés tanto para equipos como jugadores profesionales. Teniendo la fuente de datos, y con herramientas big data, se podría hacer análisis muy interesantes.

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Hi, I would like to know if there is any option to access the data of the battles and obtain it to be able to be analyzed and generate reports of interest for both teams and professional players. Having the data source, and with big data tools, very interesting analyzes could be done. Thank you.

You can use the official API for that:

We don’t otherwise provide data anymore, as explained in this blog post: Discontinuing API service for developers — Will not affect website | Blog - RoyaleAPI