Account unlink from Esports Profile

the 2nd account esports profile(Yinsoup) is mine i created it a long time ago, and the account was just recovered, if you cant link Roma Rago account to that esports profile, atleast unlink it from Rosen, i tried contacting the owner, but his twitter is suspended, i wanted him to personally message u to confirm, but i cant. so please help me

unlink it, or create a new esports profile for Roma Rago account, Yinsoup account is fine as it is for now, but the other account cant be linked to someone else profile

while waiting for ur response, i ll show u proof of ownership: api tag: 4eb2wmja, screenshot of gems, gold if needed, anything else, anytime

I’ll say it one last time: we can’t help you with this issue.

okay so basically i ll let my account on someone else esports profile

so i assume yes, ok wow

Hello folks, i got a question about something?, which is my account #LRGC8URPP, under my name, as i think its visible, i dont want an esports profile, and that aint even mine, people confuse me with Rosen, or that i bought account, which i didnt, and i cant contact cuz disabled twitter

bro what?, whyd u move this thingy here? thats not me :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

??? helloooo sup